ISSA Journal Maggio 2021

ISSA Journal Maggio 2021

ISSA Journal  - La rivista mensile riservata ai Soci AIPSI


Indice e contenuti dei principali articoli nell'edizione di Maggio 2021:

  • Self-Sovereign Digital Identity Leveraging Blockchain Networks – Opportunities and Challenges, by Seetharaman Jeganathan. Self-Sovereign Digital Identity (SSI) is a modern business and technology phenomenon. This article looks at some of the and opportunities it offers as well as the challenges it presents.
  • Cybersecurity, UEFI and Legacy BIOS: Why We Need to Revert to Legacy BIOS and Start the Process Again to Protect Against Today’s Cyber Attacks, by Rob Pike. A look at the past as a better way forward in terms of security. This article exams the shortcomings of UEFI and examines why a new start may be needed.

  •  Python Programming, by Constantinos Doskas – ISSA Senior Member, Northern Virginia Chapter. This article is part of a series of articles regarding the basic concepts of programming. We are using the Python programming language in our examples. Python is a popular programming language compatible with all major operating systems. In this article we will present a simple way of developing a program that is controlled by a command line interface.


Inoltre in questo numero:

  • Editor's Corner
  • The Cryptic Curmudgeon
  • Women in Cybersecurity
  • Association News

AIPSI - Capitolo italiano della mondiale ISSA




AIPSI, Associazione Italiana Professionisti Sicurezza Informatica, e’ il capitolo italiano di ISSA®, un’organizzazione internazionale no-profit di professionisti ed esperti praticanti. Con l’attiva partecipazione dei singoli soci e dei relativi capitoli in tutto il mondo, AIPSI, in qualita’ di capitolo di ISSA, e’ parte della piu’ grande associazione non-profit di professionisti della sicurezza che vanta oltre 13000 a livello mondiale.

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