Fellows e Awards

ISSA ha definito un iniseme di onorificenze per i Soci più attivi e più meritevoli. AIPSI, com Chapter italiano di ISSA, segue tale logica.

 Le onoreficenze sono distinte in due gruppi,  Fellows e Awards di ISSA ed esse, ad esclusione del "Senior Member", devono essere rilasciate da un apposito Comitato ISSA a seguito di una verifica tra le proposte dei vari Chapter.

AIPSI ha creato a fine 2022 un Comitato Onoreficenze, alla data costituito dal Presidente, dal Consigliere Alessandro Ghionna e dal Segretario operativo.


ISSA Fellows

  • Senior Member: 5 years of ISSA membership, 8 years of relevant professional experience
  • Fellows: 8 years of association membership, 12 person-years of relevant professional experience, 5 years of significant performance in the profession such as substantial job responsibilities in leading a team or project, performing research with some measure of success or faculty developing and teaching courses. Fellow status is limited to 2% of the ISSA membership
  • Distinguished Fellows: 12 years of association membership, 16 person-years of relevant professional experience, 5 years of sustained volunteer leadership in the association, 10 years of documented exceptional service to the security community and a significant contribution to security posture or capability. Distinguished Fellow designation is limited to only 1% of ISSA members


ISSA Awards

  • Hall of Fame is a lifetime achievement award recognizing an individual's exceptional qualities of leadership in their own career and organization as well as an exemplary commitment to the information security profession
  • The Security Professional of the Year honors one (1) individual who best exemplifies the most outstanding standards and achievement in information security in the preceding year.
  • The Volunteers of the Year Award recognizes a member who has made a significant difference to their chapter, the association or the information security community through dedicated and selfless service to ISSA
  • Honor Roll is a lifetime achievement award recognizing an individual's sustained contributions to the information security community, the advancement of the association and enhancement of the professionalism of the membership.
  • The Organization of the Year Award recognizes candidates with a sustained, proactive presence that directly contributed to the overall good and professionalism of the association and its membership, providing either services, products and/or direct support that ensures the promotion of the highest ethical standards
  • Chapter of the Year recognizes chapters that have done an exceptional job of supporting ISSA’s mission, serving their member communities and advancing the field. Award are given in small, medium, and large chapter categories.

Fellows, Awards


AIPSI, Associazione Italiana Professionisti Sicurezza Informatica, e’ il capitolo italiano di ISSA®, un’organizzazione internazionale no-profit di professionisti ed esperti praticanti. Con l’attiva partecipazione dei singoli soci e dei relativi capitoli in tutto il mondo, AIPSI, in qualita’ di capitolo di ISSA, e’ parte della piu’ grande associazione non-profit di professionisti della sicurezza che vanta oltre 13000 a livello mondiale.

AIPSI - Capitolo italiano della mondiale ISSA



Sede Legale

AIPSI c/o Malabo Srl Via Savona 26 20144 Milano
Partita IVA: 05311540966