Praga 12-14 Aprile 2016 QuBit Conference

QuBit Conference

The Universe of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics

QuBit is a cybersecurity community event for industry professionals and academics that creates a unique Central European hub that supports the growth of new ideas. 

ISSA Members receive a 20% discount on registration fees; use the discount code ISSA.

QuBit offers you the unique opportunity to gain valuable cyber security insights, discuss the industry‘s hot topics, share/exchange real-life stories, experience, and a great space to network. The world-class speakers are well-known industry experts. The QuBit Conference attracts cyber security professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world.

The annual community based event will be held on April 12-14, in Prague. The main topics this year will be: Cyber Attacks, Cyber Defense, Data Breach Resilience.

For more information, please visit our website:

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