ISSA Journal Settembre 2019

Adv ISSA Journal September 2019

ISSA Journal, la rivista mensile riservata ai Soci AIPSI

I principali articoli nell'edizione di Settembre 2019:


  • NIST Ushers In a New Era of IT Risk Management, by Stephen Berk - ISSA member, Minnesota Chapter. The 2019 NIST Risk Management Framework update incorporates a critical paradigm shift requiring greater C-suite involvement and oversight, bringing a formal preparation step to the process that permeates every level of the organization and requires that management drives assessment and authorization efforts going forward.
  • July 2019: The Month of Privacy?, by Paul Lanois - ISSA member, Silicon Valley Chapter.This article discusses enforcement actions in the area of privacy and security that took place during the month of July 2019. It also covers lessons learned.
  • Creating a Cyber Risk Intelligence Framework Integrating Best Practices and Standards, by Jack Freund - ISSA Senior Member, Pittsburgh Chapter. This article introduces the concept of a Cyber Risk Intelligence Framework, based on several best practices and standards, which includes the review of several life cycles for managing incidents, threats, and risk analysis.
  • The Python Programming Language: Relational Databases, by Constantinos Doskas - ISSA Senior Member, Northern Virginia Chapter. This article continues our discussion on database programming. Last month we summarized relational database theory and concepts. This month we will discuss set theory concepts as they relate to relational database concepts and programming. We will apply those concepts to complete two programming tasks. During this exercise you will learn how to use SQL statements to find and process data from two or more database tables.

  Inoltre in questo numero:

  • From the President
  • Sabett's Brief
  • Ok, We Get It...But Do We Need a New Standard??
  • Women in Cybersecurity
  • Renovating Your Cybersecurity Hiring
  • The Cryptic Curmudgeon
  • Agora Farewell
  • Open Forum
  • Going Beyond FFIEC: How the Banking Industry Can Step Up Security Assessments
  • Crypto Corner
  • Cards Versus Cash
  • Security in the News
  • Association News
  • 2019 Election Results
  • News from the Education Foundation
  • Career Center

ISSA, ISSA Journal


AIPSI, Associazione Italiana Professionisti Sicurezza Informatica, e’ il capitolo italiano di ISSA®, un’organizzazione internazionale no-profit di professionisti ed esperti praticanti. Con l’attiva partecipazione dei singoli soci e dei relativi capitoli in tutto il mondo, AIPSI, in qualita’ di capitolo di ISSA, e’ parte della piu’ grande associazione non-profit di professionisti della sicurezza che vanta oltre 13000 a livello mondiale.

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