ISSA Journal Dicembre 2019 - La rivista mensile riservata ai Soci AIPSI

ISSA Journal Dicembre 2019 - La rivista mensile riservata ai Soci AIPSI
 I principali articoli nell'edizione di Dicembre 2019:
  • Mobile Devices and the Fifth Amendment, by Jaret Langston, Dale W. Callahan, and Joseph Popinski - ISSA Fellow, North Alabama Chapter.The authors review relevant court cases concerning searches of mobile devices, the basis of their rulings, and how multi-factor authentication implementations that employ a knowledge-based factor would provide Fifth Amendment protections with the security of multi-factor authentication and ease of use of biometrics.
  • Taking a Holistic Approach to Security, by Steve Kirby - ISSA member, Greater Spokane Chapter.Security professionals tend to get pigeonholed into issues around penetration testing and hardening servers, but there are other areas they should be aware of that touch on the same core skills and thinking that they have already developed. This article details a variety of scenarios in which company security was breached.
  • Data Security: On Premise or in the Cloud, by Ulf Mattsson - ISSA member, New York Chapter.This article discusses data protection techniques suitable for deploying on-premise or in private or public clouds. When making the decision on which techniques, there are several things to consider including how the data is used and secured.
  •  The Web PKI of the Future, by Carl Mehner - ISSA member, Alamo San Antonio Chapter. This article reviews the history of certificate signing algorithms, talks about new cryptographic methods and their application to TLS and certificates, and explorers two possible futures: one near-term future that certificates may begin to use in the next decade and another for the decade beyond.
  •  The Python Programming Language: Relational Databases, by Constantinos Doskas - ISSA Senior Member, Northern Virginia Chapter. This article continues our discussion on database programming by exploring methods of loading database tables with data. There are many ways that data may be loaded on a table. We will explore loading tables with data that exists in CSV data files.

Inoltre in questo numero:

  • From the President
  • Sabett's Brief
  • January 2017 Redux - Have We Made Progress?
  • Herding Cats
  • The Seas of IoTs
  • Open Forum
  • The Future of Security: It's the Same Ol' Song and Dance
  • Women in Cybersecurity
  • Empowering Others to Excellence:  An Interview with Betty Burke
  • The Cryptic Curmudgeon
  • Transcribe Speech with Recorder
  • Security in the News
  • Crypto Corner
  • An Orwellian Future
  • Association News
  • ISSA Strategic Partner: ITSPmagazine
    • To the Moon and Back. Safely with Dr. Ron Ross
    • Unusual Gathering XXXV: Cybersecurity in Space and at Sea
    • An InfoSec Life: A Conversation with Chloé Messdaghi
    • A Conversation with Beverly Allen: ISSA International Summit 2019 Event Coverage
  • Career Center


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