ISSA Journal Settembre 2021

ISSA Journal Settembre 2021

 ISSA Journal - La rivista mensile riservata ai Soci AIPSI

Indice e contenuti dei principali articoli nell'edizione di Settembre 2021:

  •  Why Applying Zero Trust Within Endpoints Means Greater Security with Less Effort, by Eirik Iverson. Everybody seems to be buying into the concept of doing more with less, but how can we apply that to endpoint security? Apply zero trust principles WITHIN endpoints.
  •  There’s a Hole in Enterprise Cyber Defense: Detection-based Protection is Not Enough, by Eirik Iverson.Industry analysts say that enterprises rely solely or mostly on detection-based cyber defense technologies. Their reports also demonstrate why detection-based tools alone are not enough.
  •  Python Programming, by Constantinos Doskas – ISSA Senior Member, Northern Virginia Chapter.This article is part of a series of articles regarding the basic concepts of programming. We are using the Python programming language in our examples. Python is a popular programming language compatible with all major operating systems. In this article we will present a simple way of developing a program that is controlled by a command line interface.


 Ulteriori articoli:


  • From the President
  • Editor's Corner
  • The Cryptic Curmudgeon
  • Crypto Corner
  • Women in Cybersecurity
  • Privacy


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AIPSI, Associazione Italiana Professionisti Sicurezza Informatica, e’ il capitolo italiano di ISSA®, un’organizzazione internazionale no-profit di professionisti ed esperti praticanti. Con l’attiva partecipazione dei singoli soci e dei relativi capitoli in tutto il mondo, AIPSI, in qualita’ di capitolo di ISSA, e’ parte della piu’ grande associazione non-profit di professionisti della sicurezza che vanta oltre 13000 a livello mondiale.

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