ISSA Journal Marzo 2022 con articolo AIPSI su Gender Gap nella cybersec in Italia
ISSA Journal - La rivista mensile riservata ai Soci AIPSI
Gli articoli principali nell'edizione di Marzo 2022:
- Gender Gap in Digital Security in Italy: The Situation from the AIPSI CSWI 2021 Survey, by Marco Rodolfo Alessandro Bozzetti, President AIPSI, Founder and CEO Malabo Srl. This survey from the AIPSI takes a look at the gender gap in the digital security field in Italy. This is a submission from the Italian ISSA Chapter in English.
Python Programming Numerical Analysis Series, by Constantinos Doskas - ISSA-NOVA Member - MS Information Assurance. This article is part of a series of articles which deal with topics in programming using the Python programming language. This is the third article in numerical analysis.Inoltre in questo numero::
Inoltre in questo numero:
- From the President
- The Cryptic Curmudgeon
- Crypto Corner
- Women in Cybersecurity
- Privacy
- Book Review
- Cloud Security Corner
- Association News
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