ISSA Journal Ottobre 2023

Gli articoli principali nell'edizione di Ottobre 2023 del mensile ISSA Journal riservato ai Soci AIPSI (che sono anche Soci ISSA):
- Reducing the Risk of Bias in Artificial Intelligence (AI), by Allen Dziwa. This article looks at the risks of bias in existing AI systems and potential legislative solutions.
- Privacy in the AI Era: Navigating Challenges and Safeguarding Data in the Age of Innovation, by Ignatius Ravi. This article looks at the challenges of privacy in the rapidly changing AI era.
- Python Programming Numerical Analysis/Machine Learning Series (#39), by By Constantinos Doskas – ISSA-NOVA Member – Master in Information Assurance. This article is part of a series of articles which deal with topics in programming using the Python programming language. In previous articles, we presented Python programs which use linear regression, multi-linear regression, supervised learning algorithm, logistic regression, decision tree, random forest, and ensemble voting algorithms. We also discussed bagging, pasting, gradient boosting, and stacking. In this article we will continue with a Python code example of the bagging algorithm.
Inoltre in questo numero:
- From the President: Hello Everyone!, by Dr. Shawn P. Murray, International President
- The Cryptic Curmudgeon: Magic, by Robert Slade
- Crypto Corner: The Ages of Hacking, by Luther Martin – ISSA Member, Silicon Valley Chapter
- Women in Cybersecurity: A Seat at the Table for ISSA Women, by Curtis Campbell, ISSA International Board, ISSA Fellow
- Women in InfoSec: The Intersection of Space Security and Cyber Security,by Debra Christofferson, CISSP, CISM, CCSK
- From the Cyber Library: Book Reviews, by William J. (Jay) Carson
- Open Forum: Automate Development of Service Level Agreements in a Large Enterprise, by Syed Kamran Javaid, Lead IT Systems Analyst, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and Fahad S Al Ahmadi, IT Systems Consultant, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
- Cloud Security Corner: Real Actionable Attention to AI Threats and How to Deal with Them, by Marina Mpregkou, Sr. Research Analyst, CSA
- Association News
- News from the Foundation
- Chapter News